
Respondent Resources

A respondent is a person who has been reported to have engaged in conduct that could constitute a violation of University policy. If you are a respondent, the following resources are available to you.

NC State is committed to eliminating discrimination and harassment in all forms, including interpersonal violence (IPV). Discrimination and harassment, including, IPV, are prohibited at NC State. Incidents of this type are contrary to our values of ensuring a safe, equitable and violence-free environment. They are also a barrier to achieving health and wellness, student success and institutional excellence.

NC State strives to provide a fair and equitable process for resolving reports and complaints of discrimination, harassment and retaliation.

Support and Resources

NC State has numerous resources to provide safety measures, physical and mental wellness assistance and academic accommodations for students and employees. If you are a respondent, you are entitled to fair treatment as well as support for your concerns, assistance with decision-making and resources. We strongly encourage you to use these resources to ensure that you find the help you need.  It is important to us that you feel supported at NC State.

Equal Opportunity and Equity (EOE) can explain the university’s procedures for addressing reports or complaints. Below are other helpful resources for respondents.

Resources and Reporting: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Interpersonal Violence brochure NC State Campus and Community Resources

Student Respondent Resources

Students have access to the following resources. Select from the dropdown sections below.

The following offices are considered reporting units of the university. If a respondent discloses relevant information pertaining to an investigation or a potential NC State University policy violation, the office must to report the information to OIED. Reports made to these offices are considered private and only appropriate university officials on a need-to-know basis will be informed.

CARES: Respondent Services (919.515.4405, prevention-services@ncsu.edu)

Should a student be identified as a respondent by Equal Opportunity and Equity during an investigation, the respondent is encouraged to contact CARES: Respondent Services to inquire about respondent support services. The CARES: Respondent Services Office is located in the Student Health Center and can be contacted by phone.

Please identify yourself as a respondent seeking support.

Violence Prevention and Threat Management (919.513.4224, env-health-vptm@ncsu.edu)

Provides effective intervention in situations that pose or may pose a threat to the safety of the community and safety planning assistance for faculty, staff and students.

Office of Student Conduct (919.515.2963, studentconduct@ncsu.edu)

Assists with supportive measures and accommodations for students, including “no contact” orders. Please indicate that you seek supportive measures for an IPV or sexual misconduct related incident. For specific information regarding the Student Conduct IPV or sexual misconduct process, visit the FAQ for Respondents.

Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) (919.513.0574, equalopportunity@ncsu.edu)

The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) is responsible for responding to reports of discrimination and harassment based on a protected status, sexual harassment, and retaliation based on protected activity. OEO coordinates supportive measures and houses the Title IX coordinator and ADA coordinator. The office investigates these matters and works collaboratively with campus partners to resolve issues.

Prevention Services (919.515.4405, prevention-services@ncsu.edu)

Provides case management, education and outreach emphasizing inclusive, developmental and non-judgmental perspectives for student prevention efforts.

These offices are not required to report incidents. Individuals who use these resources will be protected to the fullest extent possible in accordance with NC State policies and federal and state laws.  

Counseling Center (919.515.2423)

Provides a diverse staff that is trained to address academic, emotional and social concerns that are common to college students and may impact overall well-being. Emergency and crisis counseling 24/7/365.

Student Legal Services (919.515.7091, studentlegal@ncsu.edu)

Provides education, advice and representation within the scope of the prepaid student legal services plan.  Focuses on helping students resolve their legal problems with as little disruption as possible to their educational endeavors. The office promotes preventive law, equipping students to make informed choices.

Student Health Services (919.515.2563, healthypack@ncsu.edu)

On campus medical services designed to meet the health needs of NC State students and provide top-quality care. Can assist with referrals to on- and off-campus resources.

Student Ombuds Office (919.513.0235, student-ombuds@ncsu.edu)

Assists NC State students in resolving problems related to their university working, learning or living experience.  The ombuds also serves as the point of contact for students experiencing food, housing and/or financial insecurity.

The following campus resources provide support to the diverse population of students at NC State. They can be effective spaces for students to find support within their respective community. These resources are obligated to report potential NC State policy violations to OEO.

LGBTQ+ Pride Center (919.513.9742, glbtcenter@ncsu.edu)

Provides support for LGBTQ+ identified students and allies by helping students connect to form social support networks; offers identity-based and health-related information and resources; consults with students individually and collectively on issues related to personal identity and academic success; refers students to a wide variety of resources on campus and in the local community; provides professional and leadership development opportunities; and hosts educational events and programs.

African American Cultural Center (919.515.5210, aaculturalcenter@ncsu.edu)

Promotes awareness of and appreciation for African American and other African descent experiences through activities and events that enhance academic excellence and strengthen cultural competence for the campus and surrounding communities. The African American Cultural Center stays actively engaged in the academic life of NC State with programs, resources and services that facilitate the cultural, intellectual and social growth of the entire university community.

Multicultural Student Affairs (919.515.3835, multicultural@ncsu.edu)

Researches, designs and implements unique programs that promote the pursuit of academic success, retention and graduation of students, with an emphasis on African American, Native American and Hispanic students.  Many of the programs and services expand students’ cultural horizon while honoring their respective cultural experiences.

Disability Resource Office (919.515.7653, disability@ncsu.edu)

The Disability Resource Office (DRO) assists eligible students with disabilities by determining access needs and coordinating academic adjustments in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504).

Supportive measures are temporary adjustments made by the university to address immediate or emerging concerns for the safety, well-being and daily operations of the campus community. These measures occur on an individual basis and are available to complainants, respondents, and the NC State community, regardless of whether you choose to pursue a formal investigation, informal resolution or neither.

Supportive measures can include (but are not limited to):

  • “no contact” orders;
  • relocation in University Housing;
  • adjustments to class schedules or other academic needs;
  • adjustments to employment schedules or other employment needs;
  • adjustments to extracurricular activities.

To request supportive measures, please contact the associate vice provost (AVP) for equal opportunity and equity at equalopportunity@ncsu.edu and 919.513.0574. The AVP for equal opportunity is also the lead deputy Title IX coordinator, who ensures that all students, faculty and staff receive supportive measures, accommodations, appropriate resources, support, reporting options and response to address discrimination or harassment based on sex, sexual harassment, sexual violence, interpersonal violence and stalking.

Any of the above resources will assist you in contacting the associate vice provost for equal opportunity and equity should you seek supportive measures.

Faculty and Staff Respondent Resources

Faculty and staff have access to the following resources. Select from the dropdown sections below.

The following offices are considered reporting units of the university. If a respondent discloses relevant information pertaining to an investigation or a potential NC State University policy violation, the office must report the information to OIED. Reports made to these offices are considered private and only appropriate university officials on a need-to-know basis will be informed.

Employee Relations (919.515.6575, employeerelations@ncsu.edu)

Provides consultative services based on a wide range of issues related to individual employment as well as organizational effectiveness and work environment issues.

Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) (919.513.0574, equalopportunity@ncsu.edu)

The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) is responsible for responding to reports of discrimination and harassment based on a protected status, sexual harassment, and retaliation based on protected activity. OEO coordinates supportive measures and houses the Title IX coordinator and ADA coordinator. The office investigates these matters and works collaboratively with campus partners to resolve issues.

Violence Prevention and Threat Management (919.513.4224, env-health-vptm@ncsu.edu)

Provides effective intervention in situations that pose or may pose a threat to the safety of the community and safety planning assistance for faculty, staff and students.

These offices are not required to report incidents. Individuals who use these resources will be protected to the fullest extent possible in accordance with NC State policies and federal and state laws.

Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FASAP) (866.467.0467)

Counseling resource for all NC State employees and their dependents.

Faculty and Staff Ombuds Office

Assists NC State faculty and staff in resolving issues, concerns and conflicts related to their university working environment. Provides information and identifies resources to strengthen work relationships, support constructive problem solving and inform decision-making.

Supportive measures are temporary adjustments made by the university to address immediate or emerging concerns for the safety, well-being and daily operations of the campus community. These measures occur on an individual basis and are available to complainants, respondents, and the NC State community, regardless of whether you choose to pursue a formal investigation, informal resolution or neither.

Supportive measures can include (but are not limited to):

  • “no contact” orders;
  • relocation in University Housing;
  • adjustments to class schedules or other academic needs;
  • adjustments to employment schedules or other employment needs;
  • adjustments to extracurricular activities.

To request supportive measures, please contact the associate vice provost (AVP) for equal opportunity at equalopportunity@ncsu.edu and 919.513.0574. The AVP for equal opportunity is also the lead deputy Title IX coordinator, who ensures that all students, faculty and staff receive supportive measures, accommodations, appropriate resources, support, reporting options and response to address discrimination or harassment based on sex, sexual harassment, sexual violence, interpersonal violence and stalking.

Any of the above resources will assist you in contacting the associate vice provost for equal opportunity and equity should you seek interim measures.

Filing a Report or a Complaint

See File a Report or Complaint for information on how to file a report or complaint, including anonymous reports.

See the Office of Equal Opportunity’s Resources for Reporting Concerns for additional reporting avenues.