Hand with palm facing camera gesturing stop

Discrimination and Harassment

“The strength of our Pack is each and all of our people.” — Chancellor Woodson, October 2019

NC State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Discrimination, harassment and retaliation based on a person’s age (40 years or older), color, disability, genetic information, gender identity, national origin, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation or veteran status is prohibited. All applicants, employees, students and other individuals who participate in university or university-sponsored programs or activities and/or who conduct university business, on- or off-campus, are provided protections under NC State Policy 04.25.05.

If you feel you have experienced discrimination or harassment,
you may file a report with the Office of Equal Opportunity.

File a report


Individuals who feel they may have experienced discrimination or harassment may request a consultation with the Office of Equal Opportunity prior to filing a complaint. A consultation will include discussing university resources, supportive measures, and the complaint procedures available. Supportive measures which can (but are not limited to): “no contact” orders, relocation in University Housing, and adjustments to class schedules. Contact our office at equalopportunity@ncsu.edu or 919.513.0574.

NC State responds to complaints of discrimination or harassment through two processes: formal investigation or facilitated resolution.

Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Resolution Procedures

If you feel you have experienced discrimination or harassment, you may: