Accessibility, Accommodations, & Modifications
NC State provides reasonable accommodations or modifications based on disability, pregnancy, and religion.
NC State provides reasonable accommodations or modifications based on disability, pregnancy, and religion. We provide equal opportunity in all of our programs, activities, and services, as required by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and other applicable laws that prohibit disability, religious, and sex discrimination. We strive for the inclusion of all individuals as part of our commitment to creating and maintaining an equitable community.
Accommodation Information
ADA Accommodations
We assist eligible employees who qualify for reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. OEO engages in an interactive process with employees to determine eligibility and ensuring equal opportunity in employment. The Requesting an Accommodation page provides you step-by-step instructions on how to request an accommodation based on disability. For additional assistance, please contact us at or 919.513.0574.
The Disability Resource Office (DRO) is the designated office to assist eligible students with disabilities by determining access needs and coordinating academic adjustments in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. For additional assistance, please contact the Disability Resource Office at or 919.515.7653.
Guests and Visitors
NC State welcomes all community members to attend, participate and support university programs, activities and events. Accessibility at NC State provides general information regarding accessing campus resources, creating online content and applying for employment. For additional assistance, please contact the Office of Equal Opportunity at or 919.513.0574.
ADA Coordinator

Sheri Schwab, Vice Provost for Office of Equal Opportunity
Office of Equal Opportunity
231 Winslow Hall, Campus Box 7530
Raleigh, NC 27695-7530
919.513.0574 (phone), 919.513.1428 (fax)
Pregnancy Accommodations
The law protects individuals who are pregnant or experiencing pregnancy-related conditions and requires the University to provide equal opportunities for participation in programs and activities including work, clubs, sports, honor societies, student leadership opportunities, and other activities. An individual who is interested in requesting a reasonable accommodation or modification due to pregnancy or related conditions should submit the Pregnancy or Pregnancy-Related Condition Modification or Accommodation Request Form. For additional assistance, please visit our page for Pregnancy or contact the Office of Equal Opportunity.
Religious Accommodations
Religious discrimination involves treating a person (applicant or employee) unfavorably because of their religious beliefs. The law requires employers to “reasonably accommodate religious beliefs or practices, unless doing so would cause more than a minimal burden on the operations of the employer’s business.” An individual who is interested in requesting a religious accommodation should submit the Request for Religious Accommodations form to provide information about the type of accommodation being requested and information about the belief, practice or observance. For additional assistance, please contact the us at or 919.513.0574.