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Coffee & Viz: Iterative Data Visualization for Research and Teaching

James B. Hunt Jr. Library, Teaching and Visualization Lab

How is digestion like a subway? When is doodling during class a great thing? In this presentation, Erin McKenney will share specific examples of the iterative data visualization process from her own research and in the classroom. McKenney uses data visualization as a pathway of discovery and communication both in her own research of microbiomes…

Coffee and Viz: Nonvisual Access to Data Visualization

James B. Hunt Jr. Library, Teaching and Visualization Lab

Data visualization is inherently visual. Does that mean people with visual impairments or blindness are out of luck? Not anymore. Join Ed Summers, a blind computer scientist and director of accessibility at SAS, for a demonstration of new technology that enables students and professionals with visual impairments or blindness to independently explore data using sonification.…