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Feminist Friday

Talley Student Union, 5210

The dual purpose of Feminist Fridays is to create a community of scholars who believe in collaborative leadership through engaging in critical discourse and reflection and to provide an opportunity…

UT Out Loud: The House of Bernarda Alba

Frank Thompson Hall, Room 150

The five daughters of Bernarda Alba have been sentenced to eight years of seclusion, mourning the recent death of their father. But erotic intrigues and exquisite longings cannot be contained…

Project Kalunga Saturday Intensives

Frank Thompson Hall, Room 150

Work on a new, devised performance piece will be developed in a series of “creative binges” over the course of four Saturday intensives. The final project, scheduled to take place…

oSTEM Meeting

Talley Student Union, GLBT Center Lounge (Suite 5230)

Out in STEM is an organization that supports LGBTQ students in the science, technology, engineering and math fields. We do a variety of events, including professor panels and stress busters.…

Sensory-Friendly Hours

Talley Student Union, GLBT Center Lounge (Suite 5230)

The GLBT Center Lounge will host sensory-friendly hours with chill music, a quiet space and dimmed lighting. Come study or relax with us.

GLBT Advocate Program Lunch and Learn: ‘Poole Pride’

Tayah Butler, director of diversity, equity inclusion in the Poole College of Management, will present "Poole Pride" and how she has crafted a journey within Poole College for LGBTQIA+ empowered…

Developing Cultural Competence: Virtual Cultural Exchange

The Developing Cultural Competence student certificate program provides a theoretical framework for understanding culture, learning about cultural dimensions and improving cultural competency. In four weeks, students build an international network…

Women’s Center: Volunteer Informational Session

Talley Student Union, 5210

Are you passionate about diversity, equity and inclusion? Are you passionate about change-making? Do you want to learn more about feminism/womanism and its impact on campus and society at large?…

Sensory-Friendly Hours

Talley Student Union, GLBT Center Lounge (Suite 5230)

The GLBT Center Lounge will host sensory-friendly hours with chill music, a quiet space and dimmed lighting. Come study or relax with us.

Freelon Lecture Series: Devanne Pena and Zakiya Wiggins

Join NC State's College of Design, the School of Architecture's National Organization of Minority Architect Students chapter and the North Carolina chapter of NOMA for the next installment of the…