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Unraveling the Truth: A Look Into Black Culture

Join us as we take a look into Black culture with Jonathan Square, a Harvard University professor. His work focuses on how clothing served as a form of expression for…

Diversity in STEM Event

Join the College of Sciences via Zoom for our annual Diversity in STEM event. This year, alumna Andrea Duhon will speak on "Decoding Failure: Math, Love and Overcoming Fear." Duhon,…

Design Identities: Charles Harbison

Design Identities will celebrate five Black Design alumni who have been influencers in their fields. Students from each department will conduct one on one interviews with an alumnus in their…

Fulbright US Scholar Program Info Session

The University Fellowships Office will host information sessions for the 2022-23 Fulbright awards cycle starting Feb. 17. If you are interested in applying for the Fulbright awards, you must attend…

Campus Community Center Community Connections

Sometimes we can feel lost in "the cloud" as we zoom from meeting to meeting, trying to form digital connections without an opportunity to talk about what is really happening…