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A Thousand Papercuts: GLBT Microaggressions

This presentation defines microaggressions and addresses the types of microaggressions experienced by the LGBTQ community on a daily basis. It offers approaches for recognizing and responding to these microaggressions when…

Communication, Rhetoric and Digital Media Symposium

Join us for a two-day symposium of talks, panels and workshops titled Technologies of Race: Politics, Affect, Platforms. The symposium's speakers will discuss some of the ways that technologies around…

Campus Community Center Community Connections

Sometimes we can feel lost in "the cloud" as we zoom from meeting to meeting, trying to form digital connections without an opportunity to talk about what is really happening…

Communication, Rhetoric and Digital Media Symposium

Join us for a two-day symposium of talks, panels and workshops titled Technologies of Race: Politics, Affect, Platforms. The symposium's speakers will discuss some of the ways that technologies around…

Project SAFE Workshop With Live Debrief

Due to the impact of COVID-19 on the 2020-21 academic year, Project SAFE is now an on-demand workshop series open to NC State students, staff, faculty and alumni as well…

Making Space: LEGOfied

Everybody seems to love Lego bricks, and the little plastic bricks have become an international phenomenon. Nick Taylor and Sarah Evans will discuss their new book LEGOfied: Building Blocks as…