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Lunchbox Series: Against the Railing Immigration Project With Tara Mullins

Tara Mullins first choreographed Against the Railing in 2007. At the time, it was about her grandmother’s journey from Sicily to New York in the early 1900s. Her grandmother left behind her parents and worked on the factory lines to make a better life for her children. With the current conversations about immigration in the…

Campus History Series: Asian and Asian American History at NC State

In celebration of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month, Victor Betts of NC State University Libraries will show and discuss archival materials about the history of Asian and Asian American students, faculty and staff at NC State. The program is presented in collaboration with Multicultural Student Affairs and the NC State Libraries. To learn…

Campus Community Center Community Connections

Sometimes we can feel lost in "the cloud" as we zoom from meeting to meeting, trying to form digital connections without an opportunity to talk about what is really happening in our lives. Join the campus community centers for Community Connections, a space for co-working and to dialogue in ways that are authentic to us.…

Honoring Ourselves as History: A Journaling Workshop

In this workshop on journaling, we will begin thinking of ourselves, individually and collectively, as a historical atlas in order to use our experiences as a map to a freer future. Grab your favorite writing materials and head to your safe space for this virtual event.

University Theatre Out Loud: Ghosts of Bogotá by Diana Burbano

The journey of three Latin siblings to Colombia for their grandfather’s funeral becomes one of the shared secrets and fantastic revelations in a play that addresses the immigrant experience of never feeling fully at home in any country. The Out Loud series is a twice-weekly reading of various play scripts with commentary and discussion hosted…

Clothesline Project

Talley Student Union, Atrium

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a national attempt to bring attention to the issue of interpersonal violence. During this month, the Women’s Center will participate in the Clothesline Project, a national interpersonal violence awareness campaign. The Women’s Center will exhibit T-shirts made by survivors of interpersonal violence on NC State’s campus. The purpose of…

Consent and Communication 101

Join the Movement Peer Educators for an interactive, in-depth conversation focused on consent. Participants will learn what consent may look or sound like and what it is not. This workshop will alllow participants and peer educators to discuss how to navigate real-life scenarios in which giving or obtaining consent may be complicated.

Faculty Chat Cafes: Teaching in Uncertain Times

Are you ready for some coffee talk? Are you looking for a place to connect with colleagues, ask questions and share ideas about teaching in these challenging, uncertain times? Join DELTA, NC State University Libraries and the Office of Faculty Development virtually for Faculty Chat Café. The café will be open via Zoom on Fridays…

Labor-Based Grading Contracts as Anti-racist Classroom Writing Assessment

How do we make our grading practices in all disciplines not just more equitable and inclusive but antiracist in purpose and outcomes? This interactive keynote, featuring Asao Inoue, an associate dean for academic affairs, equity and inclusion at Arizona State University, centers on labor-based grading contracts in all courses where students write. It will discuss…