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Untangling Our Roots: A Workshop

What are the racial demographics of your hometown? What major historical event occurred the year you were born? Whose land are you occupying? Untangling our Roots is an interactive workshop…

Queer Media

Join Queer Media as we talk about queer movies, TV, zines and more. We analyze, critique and share perspectives on the media we consume.

Destabilizing Misogyny

Misogyny refers to the ways that individuals consciously or unconsciously learn, accept and reinforce ideas and attitudes that perpetuate gender inequity and oppression. These values and learned behaviors are often…

This Closed Captioning Brought To You By…

The current discourse of captioning enforces a captions façade of neutral technology, but this view of captions as neutral doesn’t answer: Why are Black actors miscaptioned at higher rates than…


Join us for #TravelingWhileBlack and listen to the global experiences of fellow NC State students, alumni, faculty and/or staff who identify as Black or African American. We hope you will…

Veteran Affairs/MBA Information Session – Webinar

Interested in attaining a Jenkins MBA on your schedule with face-to-face and online programs that build on your military experience? With the option to design a customized course plan, you…