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Study Abroad Drop-In Hours

Talley Student Union, GLBT Center

Do you have questions about studying abroad? Come talk to Kory Saunders about anything related to the process.

The Read

GLBT Center

Join Channel Blond in the GLBT Center to watch The Read, a weekly pop culture podcast.

Sensory-Friendly Hours

GLBT Center Lounge

The GLBT Center hosts sensory-friendly hours every day. During sensory-friendly time, the center turns down the noise and turns off lights, making space for our community members that have processing…

Drones From Here to Africa

DH Hill Jr. Library, Fishbowl Forum

NC State University students will discuss how they used drones during a cross-disciplinary, two-month field experience in Namibia. Larry Silverberg of the College of Engineering will also share how NC…

Opening Reception for All That Glitters and Design by Time

Gregg Museum of Art & Design, Adams and Woodson galleries

You are invited to join us for the opening reception for two exhibitions — All That Glitters: Spark and Dazzle from the Permanent Collection and Design by Time. The two…

PMC Lecture Series: Bringing the Sticks to Life

Price Music Center, 110

Tiber F.M. Falzett is the inaugural holder of the Scottish Heritage USA visiting lectureship in Scottish Gaelic Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill. A fluent Scottish Gaelic speaker as well as a…

Coffee and Viz: Nonvisual Access to Data Visualization

James B. Hunt Jr. Library, Teaching and Visualization Lab

Data visualization is inherently visual. Does that mean people with visual impairments or blindness are out of luck? Not anymore. Join Ed Summers, a blind computer scientist and director of…

Sensory-Friendly Hours

GLBT Center

The GLBT Center hosts sensory-friendly hours every day. During sensory-friendly time, the center turns down the noise and turns off lights, making space for our community members that have processing…

All That Glitters and Design By Time Exhibitions

Gregg Museum of Art & Design, Adams and Woodson Galleries

All That Glitters investigates humanity’s age-old fascination with shiny objects. What is it that makes them so attractive? Some of the Gregg Museum of Art & Design's most visually stunning…