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Arab American Dance: A Khayrallah Center Webinar

Please join us for a conversation with Arab American choreographers and dancers Leila Awadallah, Sharon Mansur, Meryl Murman and Leyya Tawil about their work and projects and future creative visions.

Developing Cultural Competence: Virtual Cultural Exchange

The Developing Cultural Competence student certificate program provides a theoretical framework for understanding culture, learning about cultural dimensions and improving cultural competency. In four weeks, students build an international network while studying global cultures. The certificate program appeals to students in all academic disciplines and prepares students to: Develop an understanding of their cultural context.Promote…

Developing Cultural Competence: Virtual Cultural Exchange

The Developing Cultural Competence student certificate program provides a theoretical framework for understanding culture, learning about cultural dimensions and improving cultural competency. In four weeks, students build an international network while studying global cultures. The certificate program appeals to students in all academic disciplines and prepares students to: Develop an understanding of their cultural context.Promote…

Not Driven by Desire: Asexual and Aromantic Identities

Whether our society acknowledges it or not, there are multiple factors involved in relationships besides sexual desire. This two-hour workshop explores identities in which sexual attraction or romantic attraction are not experienced to the degree our culture expects. Participants will learn about how asexual and aromantic identities impact someone’s life and interactions with the rest…

Interpersonal Violence on a College Campus Workshop for Faculty and Staff

Interpersonal violence is a public health crisis impacting college-age adults at alarming rates. This workshop offers faculty and staff an in-depth understanding of the prevalence and types of interpersonal violence that exist on a college campus, the range of impacts interpersonal violence may have on individual students and campus communities, as well as an overview…

Queer Quorum

Talley Student Union, GLBT Center, Suite 5230

Queer Quorum is a student-led discussion about topics of queer life, identities and culture. This is a by-you-for-you program and serves as a model to navigate a multiuse space in a way that centers consent and the needs of the community.

Women in Recovery

Talley Student Union, 5210

Join the Women's Center and Pack Recovery for a monthly support space for women recovering from substance abuse disorders or wanting to learn more about them. Please note this space welcomes cisgender and transgender women as well as femmes and gender-nonconforming folk. If you have questions, Contact Pack Recovery at for more information.

Arab American Dance: A Khayrallah Center Webinar

Please join us for a conversation with Arab American choreographers and dancers Leila Awadallah, Sharon Mansur, Meryl Murman and Leyya Tawil about their work and projects and future creative visions.

Visualizing the Invisible: Methods for Trans Digital Spaces

How do marginalized people carve out and stitch together spaces, knowledge and cultures of their own while navigating political economies of oppression? Specifically, how do digital environments afford and limit transgender people in their production of culture, access to accurate medical knowledge and their sense of self? How do trans youth act to define the…

Sensory-Friendly Hours

Talley Student Union, GLBT Center Lounge (Suite 5230)

The GLBT Center Lounge will host sensory-friendly hours with chill music, a quiet space and dimmed lighting. Come study or relax with us.