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Collegial Conversations Part II: Microaggressions and Accessibility

Inclusive Excellence and Strategic Practice, a unit in the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity, invites you to attend part two of its Collegial Conversations. More information about the workshops that will be offered is below. Microaggressions: Savitri Dixon-Saxon, vice provost for the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Walden University, will lead a…

Accessibility Amidst a Virtual Environment

Please join a panel of NC State experts for an important and timely discussion on accessibility in virtual environments. As higher education operates even more intently in a virtual capacity, ensuring accessibility becomes even more critical — and gaining insight as to create equitable experiences for persons with disabilities is paramount. Our panel of experts…

Equity in Action: Making it Happen

Manny Scott, author of Even On Your Worst Day You Can Be Your Student's Best Hope and one of the original Freedom Writers, will deliver the virtual keynote address at the 2020 Math Summit hosted by the Triangle Math Alliance and the NC State College of Education. This keynote address is open to all, but…

NC State Campus Community Centers Virtual Open House

Join the campus community centers for a virtual drop-in event to kick off the fall 2020 semester. You'll meet the staff at the centers, make new friends and learn about ways to connect with the African American Cultural Center, GLBT Center, Multicultural Student Affairs and the Women's Center. If you have questions about the open…

The Accountability Project: White Women Deconstructing Whiteness

Join us to learn more about the Accountability Project, a new student group that will provide an opportunity for people who identify as white women to discuss their whiteness, their role in upholding systems of oppression and the effects these systems have had on them. We will use a story circle format to discuss and…

GLBT Center Symposium

The GLBT Center helps new LGBTQ students connect with the NC State community and learn about opportunities to get involved. Our annual symposium is the perfect opportunity for new students to get to know our center and LGBTQ community.

AcePack Meeting

AcePack is a group for students who are questioning their sexual or gender identity, who identify as members of the asexual and/or aromantic communities and their allies at NC State.

Queer and Trans People of Color

Queer and Trans People of Color provides a safe space for African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Asian Americans, Native Americans, multiracial people and other people of color who identify as LGBTQ. Students can share their experiences, discuss how their racial/ethnic and LGBT identities influence each other and connect with other students who are navigating multiple communities and…