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Design Identities: Edwin Harris

Design Identities will celebrate five Black Design alumni who have been influencers in their fields. Students from each department will conduct one on one interviews with an alumnus in their field to learn about their successes as designers and to encourage the next generation of students, especially BIPOC students, with an introduction to and an…

Project SAFE Workshop With Live Debrief

Due to the impact of COVID-19 on the 2020-21 academic year, Project SAFE is now an on-demand workshop series open to NC State students, staff, faculty and alumni as well as interested local community members. The workshop is designed to prepare participants to understand and address the needs of LGBTQ students. The workshop addresses a…

NEDA Week: Quarantine 15

Join us for a presentation and panel discussion regarding the pandemic and body image. Topics covered will include aspects of control, access to resources and pressure to be healthier during the pandemic. If you have questions that you would like the panel to address, submit them by using this form. This event is part of…

Campus Community Center Community Connections

Sometimes we can feel lost in "the cloud" as we zoom from meeting to meeting, trying to form digital connections without an opportunity to talk about what is really happening in our lives. Join the campus community centers for Community Connections, a space for co-working and to dialogue in ways that are authentic to us.…

Fulbright US Scholar Program Info Session

The University Fellowships Office will host information sessions for the 2022-23 Fulbright awards cycle starting Feb. 17. If you are interested in applying for the Fulbright awards, you must attend one info session. To attend one of the sessions, please register using the registration form.

Queer Media

Join Queer Media as we talk about queer movies, TV, zines and more. We analyze, critique and share perspectives on the media we consume.

Global Training Initiative’s Developing Cultural Competence

The Developing Cultural Competence co-curricular virtual exchange program has replaced its in-person lecture with self-paced individual learning modules so that its four 90-minute facilitated meetings can focus on cultural exchange among participants and application. The course is designed to provide a theoretical framework for understanding culture, cultural dimensions and cultural competency. The program also introduces…

Red, White & Black Virtual Tour

Join fellow NC State alumni and friends for an evening with Toni Harris Thorpe, former program director at the African American Cultural Center. Thorpe previously led the Red, White & Black Walking Tour, which is featured in the upcoming issue of the award-winning NC State magazine. This virtual tour will revisit campus locations that helped…

University Theatre Out Loud: Buffalo Hair by Carlyle Brown

Race, war and history collide in this play, set in 1874, when a group of black troopers captures a black man who has chosen to live among the Cheyenne, and the men must decide between personal and cultural identities. The Out Loud series is a twice-weekly reading of various play scripts with commentary and discussion…