After-Hours Study Vibes

Witherspoon Student Center, 218

The African American Cultural Center Library is extending its hours once a week to provide students a quiet place to study on central campus. Every Wednesday this fall, the AACC Library will be open until 7 p.m. The library coordinator […]

Everything Black Club

Witherspoon Student Center, African American Cultural Center Library (218)

Join members of the Everything Black Club as we examine and discuss all works produced by those in the African diaspora, including the continent of Africa. The Black works we will discuss will include literature, music, music videos, movies, TV […]

NC State LIVE Season Launch Party With The Hamiltones

Stafford Commons

NC State LIVE is kicking off the year in our own backyard. Join us for a free season launch party and outdoor concert. The soulful sounds of Grammy-nominated The Hamiltones will gather us back as a community. Bring your blankets, […]

UT Out Loud: The House of Bernarda Alba

Frank Thompson Hall, Room 150

The five daughters of Bernarda Alba have been sentenced to eight years of seclusion, mourning the recent death of their father. But erotic intrigues and exquisite longings cannot be contained in a house of cloistered daughters. A poetic drama by […]

Project Kalunga Saturday Intensives

Frank Thompson Hall, Room 150

Work on a new, devised performance piece will be developed in a series of “creative binges” over the course of four Saturday intensives. The final project, scheduled to take place in November, will be performed in collaboration with and in […]

After-Hours Study Vibes

Witherspoon Student Center, 218

The African American Cultural Center Library is extending its hours once a week to provide students a quiet place to study on central campus. Every Wednesday this fall, the AACC Library will be open until 7 p.m. The library coordinator […]

What’s on the Table?

Witherspoon Student Center, African American Cultural Center, living room

Join the African American Cultural Center’s biweekly space for the NC State community to come together as family and share perspectives and offer support. We welcome you to our living room to engage in discussion on some of the most […]

Moon Festival Celebration

Talley Student Union, 4210

Join us to learn about the Moon Festival holiday, practice speaking Mandarin and paint Chinese lanterns while enjoying authentic Chinese snacks.

After-Hours Study Vibes

Witherspoon Student Center, 218

The African American Cultural Center Library is extending its hours once a week to provide students a quiet place to study on central campus. Every Wednesday this fall, the AACC Library will be open until 7 p.m. The library coordinator […]

Everything Black Club

Witherspoon Student Center, African American Cultural Center Library (218)

Join members of the Everything Black Club as we examine and discuss all works produced by those in the African diaspora, including the continent of Africa. The Black works we will discuss will include literature, music, music videos, movies, TV […]