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Strictly Speaking With Ken Maruyama

University Theatre hosts professional theatre-makers who speak about their work, their industry and their journey within the arts. Join us for a discussion with Ken Maruyama, retired visual effects production executive from Sony Pictures Imageworks and Lucasfilm's Industrial Light and Magic.

World Premiere of ARGO: A Virtual Voyage of Jason and the Argonauts

NC State’s University Theatre takes on the ancient tale of Jason and the Argonauts in a uniquely modern way. Adapted by Rachel Klem and Tamara Kissane, and featuring the skills of 25 actors and 20 visual artists from NC State’s campus and beyond, this project is a collaboration that underlines one of the main themes…

Always in Season Film Screening and Director Talk

Always in Season explores the lingering impact of more than a century of lynching African Americans and connects this historic racial terrorism to violence today. The documentary, directed by Jacqueline Olive, centers on the case of Lennon Lacy, an African American teen who was found hanging from a swing set in Bladenboro, North Carolina, on…