RSC Kickoff Meeting
Talley Student Union, Mountains BallroomPlease join us for the first Research Support Council meeting of 2020. Don't miss the opportunity to network with your research administration colleagues as we work through a fun and…
Please join us for the first Research Support Council meeting of 2020. Don't miss the opportunity to network with your research administration colleagues as we work through a fun and…
The process of transitioning from military to civilian life can pose challenges for service members and their families. NC State University staff and faculty can help student veterans navigate those…
All That Glitters investigates humanity’s age-old fascination with shiny objects. What is it that makes them so attractive? Some of the Gregg Museum of Art & Design's most visually stunning…
Art’s Work in the Age of Biotechnology: Shaping Our Genetic Futures is a visually stunning and thought-provoking exhibition aimed at raising awareness about genetic engineering, biotechnologies, and their consequences through…
Join the Women's Center in advance of Brittney Cooper's visit for a reading circle. We'll discuss Cooper's book Eloquent Rage. Advance reading of the book is not necessary.
The Centennial Wellness Program offers free Zumba classes on Thursdays. Registration is not required. The classes are open to everyone.
The University Housing Advisory Committee will discuss the following topics during its spring meeting: Pack Essentials and the role of the student ombudsperson.
The NC State Counseling Center provides confidential services for both individuals and groups. A counseling center staff member is available in the GLBT Center lounge every Tuesday from 2-4 p.m.…
During sensory-friendly time, the GLBT Center turns down the noise and turns off lights, making space for our community members that have processing sensitivities or may need sensory adjustment, so…
The GLBT Center hosts sensory-friendly hours every day. During sensory-friendly time, the center turns down the noise and turns off lights, making space for our community members that have processing…
Are you looking for ways to celebrate Black History Month? Do you want a chance to recognize a leader, an album or historic moment that resonates with you? Join the…
Join the GLBT Center for an educational series about sex. We will talk about consent, safe sex and sexual health issues that disproportionately affect LGBTQ people.
The Poole College of Management will offer assistance to students who need help preparing for the career fair on Feb. 14. Students can talk to career coaches about resumes and…
Trevor Noah’s fascinating memoir Born a Crime is NC State’s most recent Common Reading Program selection. The purpose of the program is to create a common educational and interactive experience…
Join the National Pan-Hellenic Council for an interactive event that will take attendees back to the beginning of the 20th century to assess changes in black culture. We will discuss…
Arts NC State presents a free, six-part workshop series introducing attendees to many of the facets necessary for a career in the arts, media and entertainment. Led by industry veteran…
We're building on the Womxn of Color Retreat. Join us every Tuesday from 8 p.m.-10 p.m. in the Women's Center, where you can study, read, hang out and meet other…