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Impact Response Team

NC State's Impact Response Team addresses the outcomes of specific incidents that negatively affect our campus community climate. Submit a Report

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NOTE: If you are in crisis or have witnessed a crime, do not submit an incident report. Please call 911 immediately. For non-emergency situations, call NC State Police at (919) 515-3000.

NC State University is committed to cultivating a diverse and inclusive community climate that is respectful, understanding and civil. There are times when statements, actions and behaviors of community members impact others negatively and/or cause harm. Certain incidents and trends degrade institutional trust, prevent open and honest collaboration and often impede the learning of those involved.

The Impact Response Team serves the campus community by offering a system and processes that invite students, faculty and staff to document and proactively address the impacts of incidents, behaviors, and actions. Impact Response supports all individuals and groups involved, promotes education and dialogue and cultivates a campus climate that is conducive to successful student matriculation and effective faculty and staff development.

A trained coordinator consults with campus partners to determine effective response mechanisms and facilitate challenging conversations using appreciative inquiry, community conferencing and other restoration-focused practices designed to promote cultural competence idea sharing, greater understanding and a healthy and sustainable campus climate.

Impact Response does not replace or subordinate any existing processes for reporting and addressing acts of discrimination, harassment, concern or violence. The team does not investigate incidents and will refer them to law enforcement or the appropriate university offices when necessary. You can explore additional reporting options below.

Questions? Contact the Impact Response Coordinator at