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The Movement

Hands holding purple ribbon

Sep 28, 2018

Domestic and Dating Violence Focus of Upcoming Month of Events

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports that nearly 1 in 3 college women have experienced an abusive dating relationship. While this statistic speaks to the national prevalence of domestic and dating violence among college-age women, it fails to account for the many multiple and intersecting identities of individuals who experience an elevated risk of interpersonal violence.

Carlyn Wright-Eakes

Sep 12, 2018

Women’s Center Welcomes New Rape Prevention Education Coordinator

Carlyn Wright-Eakes has joined the Wolfpack community as NC State’s rape prevention education coordinator, an integral member of the Women’s Center team.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2017

Sep 28, 2017

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Events to Examine Serious Issues

October marks the start of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). Some may wonder why it’s important that NC State recognize this month, may assume that domestic violence is just a women’s problem or may have never taken a moment to stop and think about the breadth and depth of the issue.

Talley Student Union at night

Apr 28, 2016

Take Back the Night 200 Strong

Women and allies came out in full force at this year's Take Back the Night event on April 21, 2016. About 200 students gathered in Stafford Commons to show their support for survivors of sexual violence and to let their voices be heard.

Talley Student Union view from elevator

Mar 17, 2016

Getting Real: April's Sexual Assault Awareness Month Events Still Needed

April has come around again and Sexual Assault Awareness Month, or SAAM, is still needed. Why? To raise awareness of a critical set of issues many still struggle against. SAAM is commemorated across the nation by community agencies, police departments, local businesses and campus communities. The Women’s Center has planned a full calendar of Sexual Assault Awareness Month programs.

Free Expression Tunnel

Oct 8, 2015

Women’s Center’s Slutwalk Event Garners Support and Attendees

On October 1, 2015, approximately 250 NC State students united to protest victim blaming and slut shaming at the university's first ever large-scale SlutWalk. SlutWalk: A Walk to End Victim Blaming was organized by The Movement Peer Educators, a student organization composed of trained peer educators who facilitate workshops on issues of gender equity and social justice.