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Andy DeRoin

Social Justice January 2019: Beyond the Buzzwords

Jan 10, 2019

Social Justice January to Go “Beyond the Buzzwords”

The Campus Community Centers will collaboratively host Social Justice January to engage students, faculty and staff in contemporary, intersectional social justice education.

Attendees at GLBT Center Potluck 2018

Nov 28, 2018

GLBT Center’s Annual Potluck Gives Warmth

The GLBT Center and GLBT Faculty and Staff Network's fifth annual Holiday Potluck provided an opportunity for GLBT students to gather in a place of community, solidarity and care. Nearly 60 students and over 15 faculty and staff attended.

Transgender Awareness Week

Oct 26, 2018

Transgender Awareness Week 2018: Honoring the Intersections

The GLBT Center will observe Transgender Awareness Week from Tuesday, November 13 through Monday, November 19, 2018. The impetus for this week of events is Transgender Day of Remembrance, a global, annual observance for transgender individuals who were murdered over the past year.

Durham Pride

Sep 13, 2018

GLBT Students and Allies Can Sign Up for Pride Celebration

GLBT students and allies will pile into vans on Saturday, September 29, 2018, to attend the annual pride event on Duke University’s East Campus.

GLBT Symposium

Aug 31, 2018

GLBT Symposium Welcomes New Students

The GLBT Center hosted its fifth annual GLBT Symposium on Saturday, August 18, 2018, welcoming over 175 participants.

Student protesting with sign saying "Hate is not a family value."

Aug 16, 2018

GLBT Center to Host Social Justice Cohort

The GLBT Center invites students, faculty and staff to join the Social Justice Cohort, a group of dedicated individuals interested in exploring concepts of race, gender, sexuality, ability, age, religion, social justice, privilege, power and oppression as they overlap, intersect and manifest within society and on college campuses.

Graduates at 2018 Lavender Graduation

Apr 26, 2018

Lavender Graduation Celebrates 52 Graduates in Milestone Year

The GLBT Center’s annual Lavender Graduation, the first of five year-end celebrations hosted by the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity, filled the Piedmont-Mountains Ballroom of Talley Student Union on the evening of Tuesday, April 24, 2018.

Week of Action

Mar 22, 2018

Week of Action: Finding Your Center, Expanding Your Circle

The GLBT Center will host its third annual Week of Action from Monday, April 2 to Friday, April 6, 2018 with the theme "Finding Your Center, Expanding Your Circle." The goal of this week is to help students, faculty and staff find a social justice issue they are passionate about, explore ways to address the challenges of that issue and then discover ways that issue intersects with other social justice issues.

GLBT Center 10th Anniversary Celebration

Feb 15, 2018

GLBT Center 10-Year Anniversary Brings Community Together

After a rescheduling due to January snow, the GLBT Center celebrated its 10-year anniversary on Monday, February 12, 2018 in the Talley Student Union Ballroom. Over 150 students, alumni, staff, faculty and administrators came to celebrate this historic achievement.

Stairs leading to GLBT Center

Oct 19, 2017

Student Coordinators Needed for Queer Youth Leadership Summit

Students looking for a resume-worthy spring volunteer opportunity can apply to be student coordinators for the first Queer Youth Leadership Summit, to be hosted by NC State's GLBT Center on February 17, 2018. Called QYLS (“quills”) for short, the summit will be a full day of workshops, panels, action planning, coalition building and advocacy work.