Community Care

Jul 5, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

A Reckoning on What I Owe

Guest editorial from Elizabeth A. Nelson (she/her), Ph.D., teaching associate professor of communication.

Jul 4, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

My Continued Journey as an Ally

Guest editorial from Justine Hollingshead (she/her), chief of staff and assistant vice chancellor in the Division of Academic and Student Affairs.

Jul 2, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Stand in Solidarity: Interview with Melanie Flowers

We recently interviewed Student Body President Melanie Flowers about her thoughts on being NC State's first Black woman student body president, the Black Lives Matter movement and recent events.

Jun 8, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

University Leaders Commit to Strengthening Racial Climate

Two weeks after a pivotal turning point in the continuing fight for civil rights, another national reckoning on race America has begun.

Jun 8, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Responding to Concerns and Moving Forward

Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity Sheri Schwab and Interim Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs Lisa Zapata issue a joint statement.

Jun 5, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Collegial Conversations Assist in Navigating Pandemic

Amid the pandemic, the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity continues to offer education and training to promote diversity and build cultural competency.

Jun 4, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Resources to Improve Our Racial Climate

See our resources and avenues for education about how to process difficult events, how to help stop racial injustice or how to enact inclusive practices within their organizations.

Jun 1, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Campus Community Centers: Response to Racial Violence

Over the next few weeks, the Campus Community Centers will offer resources and opportunities dedicated to community, self-care and ongoing learning. We encourage you to stay connected to our social media pages and newsletters. As always, if you need us, we are here.

Apr 17, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Protecting Community Spaces in a Virtual World

We’d like to share a few of the ways we are working to curate inclusive and equitable virtual spaces where participants feel seen, heard and valued during COVID-19.

Apr 17, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

A Survivor Toolkit for Navigating the COVID-19 Crisis

Students who have been impacted by IPV must often navigate unprecedented changes and obstacles in the midst of COVID-19.