Tunnel of Oppression Tackles Tough Issues
NC State aims to provide impactful experiences. Feedback from prior years has indicated that the annual Tunnel of Oppression rates as one of the most impactful experiences offered on campus. And it lasts just thirty minutes. Totally updated to focus on the most current and pressing social issues of the day, the event transforms into a brand new experience every year that will keep you thinking and reflecting long after you’ve passed through. We are pleased to offer this special event once again to the entire campus community.
The Tunnel of Oppression is an annual interactive program that examines issues of race, class, sexual violence, religion, body image, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability or nationality. Participants are guided through a series of scenes designed to create awareness about contemporary examples of oppression and to help them think critically about both the nature and impact of such oppression. At the end of the tour, there is a brief facilitated discussion that helps participants process what they’ve seen and heard. The entire experience lasts approximately 30 minutes per group. This year’s Tunnel of Oppression will tackle a range of issues, from mental health stigma to college sexual assault, and will also address recent events on both the local and national scale, including HB2 and the Dakota Access Pipeline.
The Tunnel is developed and coordinated by a committee representing the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity’s campus community centers (the GLBT Center, Multicultural Student Affairs, the Women’s Center, and the African American Cultural Center), the Division of Academic and Student Affairs, Arts NC State and Campus Enterprises. This year’s event will be made possible by 139 students, staff and faculty who have graciously offered their time to serve as actors, tour guides and volunteers. Each year, the Tunnel of Oppression hosts over 500 campus and community members.
Dates and Times
Join us this year in the State Ballroom in Talley Student Union. Tours will begin on the hour and half-hour and will run from Tuesday, March 21, 2017 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. and Wednesday, March 22, 2017 and Thursday, March 23, 2017 from 3:00-9:00 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
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