Geena Washington Joins the GLBT Center

Geena Washington brings a B.S. in psychology from Kennesaw State University and a master’s degree is in applied social and community psychology from NC State to her new position as program coordinator of the GLBT Center. She is also an AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps and AmeriCorps State and National alum, working with organizations like Habitat for Humanity and Easter Seals.
Washington’s research interests are in civic and community engagement. With her studies being heavily influenced by community psychology, she aims to strengthen the sense of community for GLBTQ students within the GLBT Center. The center has historically struggled to retain students of color, and she hopes to revitalize those connections.
She was born in Savannah, Georgia and grew up in Atlanta. In her free time, she enjoys playing with dogs and watching sci-fi. She says that she is beyond excited to begin programming for the GLBT Center.