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O'Licia Parker-Smith

Talley Student Union view from elevator

Jan 14, 2016

MLK Campus Commemoration Inspires

Byron Pitts of ABC’s Nightline graced the NC State campus with his encouraging message on Monday, January 11, 2016 for this year's MLK commemoration. With over 30 years of experience, Pitts shared his message of "overcoming to become" and paying it forward for the campus listeners. Before Pitts went on stage, the African American Cultural Center and Student Media held a small lunch for aspiring journalism and media students.

Campus in fall with foliage

Nov 5, 2015

Communications Intern O’Licia Parker-Smith

O'Licia Parker-Smith is in her second year as a communications intern in the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity. O'Licia has been instrumental in building OIED's Twitter presence, more than doubling the number of followers. She also writes for the Digest, provides event support as well as a much-needed student perspective on things.

Talley Student Union view from elevator

Oct 22, 2015

Does Social Media Support Diversity?

If you follow us on Twitter, you will notice a steady rise in the number of followers who get their OIED updates on that platform. In a short time, OIED has gained over 500 followers. OIED's Twitter account is deftly managed by O'Licia Parker-Smith, a second-year student in Communication who is also active in several campus organizations. See what O'Licia has to say about her observations on social media as it relates to diversity.

Talley Student Union view from elevator

Sep 3, 2015

Harambee Celebration Brings the Promise of a Great Year at NC State

Last week, the African American Cultural Center celebrated Harambee, beginning with the Call of Drums played by students. Harambee is Swahili for "Let us come together!"