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Multicultural Student Affairs

David Chang speaks at Multicultural Graduation

Jul 19, 2019

Year in Review: Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity

Ever wonder about all the programs and initiatives offered by the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity (OIED)? Wonder no more.

John Robinson-Miller IV at LeaderShape with students

Jun 14, 2019

Leading with Integrity: LeaderShape

Every year, sixty students participate in the week-long LeaderShape Institute, which challenges participants to lead with integrity while working towards a vision grounded in their deepest values.

Black History Month 2019

Feb 11, 2019

Our Wings Still Fly: The Beauty and the Burden of Blackness

This year's Black History Month theme of “Our Wings Still Fly: the Beauty and the Burden of Blackness” symbolizes the social injustices faced by people of the Diaspora.

Christina Poucher

Jan 27, 2019

Christina Poucher, New Administrative Assistant

Christina Poucher has joined Multicultural Student Affairs as its new administrative assistant.

Indigenous Peoples' Day 2018

Oct 11, 2018

NC State Commemorates Indigenous Peoples’ Day

On Monday, October 8, 2018, Multicultural Student Affairs hosted its annual Indigenous Peoples’ Day celebration in Talley Student Union.

Student studies alone near stairwell at Talley Student Union

Sep 27, 2018

Editorial Opinion: Impact Versus Intent

Erin Elliot, a a second-year graduate student in educational psychology and a graduate assistant in Multicultural Student Affairs, writes the following editorial about NC State's campus community centers, viewed as cherished safe spaces for the Wolfpack family.

Latinx Heritage Month 2018

Sep 13, 2018

NC State Celebrates Latinx Heritage Month

The Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity invites the campus community to participate in NC State’s 2018 Latinx Heritage Month Celebration.

The Mixtape Series participants, spring 2018

Sep 13, 2018

The Mixtape Series: For Graduate Students of Color Navigating White Spaces

The Mixtape Series launched in spring 2018 for Black graduate students on campus. This year, Multicultural Student Affairs will host the series in an effort to provide intentional programs that include all graduate students of color.

GLBT Advocate Program placard

Aug 31, 2018

GLBT Advocate Program Offers New Workshops

A signature initiative of the GLBT Center, the GLBT Advocate Program returns for a fourth year with new workshop offerings and events for faculty, staff and students.

Students listening at Symposium for Multicultural Scholars

Aug 30, 2018

Symposium Welcomes First-Year Students, Builds Community

On Wednesday, August 15, 2018, 137 students checked in to the 2018 Symposium for Multicultural Scholars hosted by Multicultural Student Affairs. Symposium is held each fall, the week before classes start, and provides an opportunity for incoming first-year students from traditionally underserved backgrounds to connect with campus.