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Leah Block

Mortarboard, books and certificate of excellence

May 1, 2019

Undergraduate Interns Reflect on their Experiences

Where can you learn about diversity, equity, inclusion, cultural competence, social justice and many other related topics while holding down a campus job? Why, the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity, of course.

Take Back the Night March 2019

Apr 5, 2019

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: A Student’s Role in Ending the Violence

Sexual violence impedes student well-being at university campuses across the nation. According to RAINN, university students are at an elevated risk of rape and sexual assault.

Take Back the Night rally

Feb 7, 2019

Building Healthy Relationship Practices

Many adult college students feel in the dark about what a healthy relationship actually looks like. So who can we turn to as students, as many of us get into intimate relationships for the very first time?

Hands in the shape of a heart

Jan 25, 2019

Healthy Relationships, Part 1: Building Healthy Self-Love Practices

This article is the first in a series on healthy relationships by OIED communications intern Leah Block. Coming up, articles will cover healthy intimate partner relations and healthy inter-community relations.

Nov 29, 2018

What’s with all the Scooters?

You've seen them zipping down streets, sidewalks, ramps and alleyways. You've heard their notable chime when somebody hops on. Electric scooters have taken U.S. cities by storm.

Shack-A-Thon dance shack

Nov 12, 2018

Raising Consciousness About Food and Housing Insecurity

The first step toward ending any social issue is to raise the collective consciousness. Read the third article in a series about food and housing insecurity by Leah Block.

Participants at Diversity Education Week: Muslim Identity

Oct 26, 2018

Sights and Sounds of Diversity Education Week

Diversity Education Week 2018 has concluded with lasting and reaching impacts. This year, students participated in dozens of workshops, activities and speaker events to explore the focal themes of identity development, social positionality and policy and practice.

woman at rally

Oct 25, 2018

The Student Vote: A Guide for NC State Students

Students represent millions of potential voters who can influence social, political, economic, environmental and health-related policies and outcomes.

Bowls of fruits and vegetables

Sep 13, 2018

Food Insecurity at NC State: An Issue of Justice

Leah Block, a senior majoring in communication,with a minor in sociology, writes about resources to combat food insecurity at NC State.