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Garry Morgan

DEPTH peer educators

Jan 12, 2017

Cultural Competency Training Initiatives Underway

The term cultural competence first emerged over a decade ago, but cultural competency training is still not provided to all faculty, staff and students at most universities even though it is a crucial skill set for everyone. That is changing at NC State.

Talley Student Union view from elevator

Apr 21, 2016

New Video: Diversity at NC State

Why is diversity critical to the academic mission of NC State?

All paths lead to the Belltower

Aug 27, 2015

Think and Do: Building a Sustainable Model for Inclusive Leadership

Registration opens on September 1, 2015 for the 2015 Conference on Leadership and Diversity sponsored by the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity (OIED).

Free Expression Tunnel

Apr 20, 2015

Learning to Be Vulnerable

Garry Morgan, associate director of diversity programs in the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity, recently spent a week with students and staff at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse (UWL) with the LeaderShape Institute. Here he explores one of the lessons he learned from the week.

All paths lead to the Belltower

Apr 6, 2015

OIED Staff Honored with 2015 Provost’s Awards for Excellence Nominations

Congratulations to Otis McGresham, assistant director for interpersonal violence services in the Women's Center and Garry Morgan, associate director of diversity programs in Diversity and Inclusion, for their Provost's Awards for Excellence nominations! Otis and Garry were recognized for their outstanding contributions and service to NC State on Thursday, April 2, 2015 by the Provost and Awards selection committee.