Feminist Friday
Day of Giving Profile: Kali Fillhart, ’21
The stars aligned for Kali Fillhart ‘21, a Virginia native studying anthropology and creative writing, when she came to the NC State Women's Center.
Tracing the History of Take Back the Night at NC State
Every April, the Women’s Center and its partners observe Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), part of a national effort to bring attention to the issue of sexual violence.
Introducing: Feminist Theory Thursdays
Feminist Theory Thursdays are staff- and faculty- facilitated conversations about how they utilize theory within their everyday practice.
Feminist Fridays: Fostering Community, Cultivating Creativity
April 20, 2018 marked the last Feminist Friday of the academic year at the Women’s Center. Aarón Sánchez Guerra, graduating senior majoring in English, led the final discussion titled, "Narcoviolencia: War Upon Womxn in the Borderlands."
APIDA Heritage Month Continues to Grow and Expand
Along with the spring breeze came the flavors of Asian street food from the Asian Night Market in Talley Student Union's Mountains Ballroom, bringing attention to Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Heritage Month at NC State from March 15 - April 15, 2018. For the third year, NC State celebrated this Heritage Month with efforts from Asian student organizations and support from campus offices, extending the observance from one week to a full month. Additionally, events to celebrate the Desi American population added a new dimension this year.
Week of Action: Finding Your Center, Expanding Your Circle
The GLBT Center will host its third annual Week of Action from Monday, April 2 to Friday, April 6, 2018 with the theme "Finding Your Center, Expanding Your Circle." The goal of this week is to help students, faculty and staff find a social justice issue they are passionate about, explore ways to address the challenges of that issue and then discover ways that issue intersects with other social justice issues.