domestic violence
Reporting Domestic and Dating Violence at NC State
NC State strives to ensure that students, faculty, staff and visitors are safe and free from any form of dating violence, domestic violence or interpersonal violence.
COVID-19’s Unique Impacts on Survivors of Interpersonal Violence
Five weeks into social distancing, we have all felt a multitude of emotions as we make our way through the experience of the collective trauma of COVID-19.
Teams Trained on Overlooked Forms of Domestic and Dating Violence
It seems that each time a mass shooting occurs in this country — whether it is Orlando, San Bernadino, Fort Lauderdale, Parkland or countless others — it is often just a matter of time before a history of violent domestic abuse also comes to light.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Events to Examine Serious Issues
October marks the start of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). Some may wonder why it’s important that NC State recognize this month, may assume that domestic violence is just a women’s problem or may have never taken a moment to stop and think about the breadth and depth of the issue.