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Austin Butler

The Mountaintop

Apr 27, 2018

L.A. Theatre Works’ The Mountaintop Humanizes Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Tuesday, April 17, 2018, L.A. Theatre Works presented a flawless performance of Katori Hall’s The Mountaintop in NC State's Stewart Theatre. The Oliver-winning play, which first premiered in London in 2011 as Broadway production starring Samuel L. Jackson and Angela Bassett, stopped at NC State toward the end of a 4-month, 38-city tour to mark the 50th anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King Jr.

Clothesline Project t-shirts

Apr 19, 2018

Clothesline Project Helps Heal Survivors of Interpersonal Violence through Art

During Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the emotionally moving Clothesline Project raises awareness about sexual violence. Each of NC State's Campus Community Centers has dedicated space for the project, which features the work of survivors of interpersonal violence who share their experience through art.

Food pantry items

Apr 6, 2018

Food and Housing Security Initiative Coordinates Basic Necessities

In February 2018, the NC State Food and Housing Security Initiative shared a report that showed that 14% NC State students experienced food insecurity in the past 30 days and that 9.6% experienced homelessness in the past year.

Austin Butler, OIED communications intern

Mar 16, 2018

Through My Lenses: Black Panther

Austin Butler, communications intern in the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity and a senior in values, technology and society, provides her thoughts on Black Panther (2018).

The Politics of Black Hair

Feb 23, 2018

“The Politics of Black Hair” Opens; Exhibit to Run Through March 21

The Women's Center and the African American Cultural Center have partnered to bring "The Politics of Black Hair" to NC State. The exhibit will run through March 21, 2018 in the African American Cultural Center Gallery on the second floor of Witherspoon Student Center.

African American Cultural Center Harambee celebration

Feb 8, 2018

Alonzo Fullenwilder Excels in Multiple Roles

Alonzo Fullenwilder, a senior in mechanical engineering with a minor in African studies, is from Wilmington, North Carolina. He began working in the African American Cultural Center in August. He also serves as president of the Xi Zeta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Multicultural Student Affairs volunteer ambassador and chancellor’s aide.

Benjamin Jealous speaks at NC State's MLK Commemoration in 2018

Jan 18, 2018

Up Close with MLK Speaker Benjamin Jealous

Prior to his Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration address to the campus on the afternoon of January 16, 2018 in NC State's Stewart Theatre, civil rights leader and former NAACP President Benjamin Jealous shared some of his thoughts on various topics on the minds of some of NC State's diversity practitioners.

AACC community

Dec 7, 2017

Finding Community and More in the African American Cultural Center

Gwen Hopper, one of the African American Cultural Center’s office assistants, is a sophomore majoring in chemistry from Gastonia. She began working in the AACC this past August. “I wanted to work somewhere that had a community,” Hopper said.

AACC Library and Media Room with students

Nov 16, 2017

Mariska Thayagan Welcomes You to AACC’s Library and Media Room

Often called one of NC State's "hidden gems," the African American Cultural Center and Media Room provides a home for a surprisingly large and steadily-growing collection of books, publications and media related to the African diaspora. Austin Butler recently spoke with Mariska Thayagan, a second-year student in microbiology with a concentration in microbial research, to find out what the library means to her.

Franchesca Ramsey interviewed by Austin Butler

Oct 26, 2017

Franchesca Ramsey Speaks on Being an Advocate, Activist and Ally

Social media gives users a tremendous reach they should not take for granted, Franchesca Ramsey told NC State students, faculty, staff and guests on Monday, October 23, 2017 in Witherspoon Cinema. Ramsey, an actress, comedian and video blogger, spoke on “Your Powerful Online Voice: Social Media for Social Change” at the annual Fall Diversity Dialogue during Diversity Education Week.