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Jeremy Dela Paz

Mar 7, 2019

APIDA Heritage Month Spotlight: Jeremy Dela Paz

Jeremy Dela Paz is the definition of a committed leader on the NC State campus. He is this year's co-chair of the month-long Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month campus-wide celebration.

Rachel Banawa

Mar 24, 2017

Meet Rachel Banawa, ASIA President

Rachel Banawa is a graduating senior majoring in psychology from Old Bridge, New Jersey. She is president of Asian Students in Alliance (ASIA), a sister of Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., and a mental health ambassador in the Counseling Center. She also dances with Fusion Dance Crew. She has also served on the executive boards for the Asian Students Association and the Multicultural Greek Council.

Asian fan dancers

Mar 16, 2017

Celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander Month

Multicultural Student Affairs, Asian Students in Alliance (ASIA) and campus partners will present Asian American and Pacific Islander Month programs from March 16 through April 18, 2017 for the campus community. The month will include discussions, workshops, dance competitions and cultural celebrations. This year’s theme is "Laying the Foundation, Paving our Legacy.”

All paths lead to the Belltower

Feb 24, 2016

Another First: Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month at NC State!

This year, NC State is celebrating its inaugural Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) History Month with a variety of events that will be hosted by numerous student groups. AAPI History Month also includes a weekend leadership symposium with special guests from the University of Florida’s APIA (Asian Pacific Islander American) Center.

Belltower with NC flag on right

Mar 30, 2015

NC State Celebrates Asian American History Week

A coalition of several groups and individuals have been working to organize campus-wide programs and events for Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) History Week. Represented are those from or with heritage from south, southeast and/or east Asian countries. Please join us for the following events: