APIDA Heritage Month
“Chinese” Virus is a Racist Take — Here’s Why
The “Chinese" virus remark by Donald Trump in a press conference in March brewed increasing amounts of racism and hate crime in America.
Sights and Sounds of APIDA Heritage Month
NC State students kicked off APIDA Heritage Month in Talley Student Union on March 18, 2019, recognizing heritages across the full spectrum of Asian, Pacific Islander and Desi-American identities.
APIDA Heritage Month Spotlight: Jeremy Dela Paz
Jeremy Dela Paz is the definition of a committed leader on the NC State campus. He is this year's co-chair of the month-long Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month campus-wide celebration.
APIDA Heritage Month Continues to Grow and Expand
Along with the spring breeze came the flavors of Asian street food from the Asian Night Market in Talley Student Union's Mountains Ballroom, bringing attention to Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Heritage Month at NC State from March 15 - April 15, 2018. For the third year, NC State celebrated this Heritage Month with efforts from Asian student organizations and support from campus offices, extending the observance from one week to a full month. Additionally, events to celebrate the Desi American population added a new dimension this year.