OIED Staff

Apr 30, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Muslim Community Celebrates Ramadan During the Pandemic

Last month marked the beginning of the Islamic holy month, Ramadan. This month of religious observance is celebrated April 23 to May 23 this year.

Apr 17, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Protecting Community Spaces in a Virtual World

We’d like to share a few of the ways we are working to curate inclusive and equitable virtual spaces where participants feel seen, heard and valued during COVID-19.

Apr 17, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

A Survivor Toolkit for Navigating the COVID-19 Crisis

Students who have been impacted by IPV must often navigate unprecedented changes and obstacles in the midst of COVID-19.

Apr 17, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

COVID-19’s Unique Impacts on Survivors of Interpersonal Violence

Five weeks into social distancing, we have all felt a multitude of emotions as we make our way through the experience of the collective trauma of COVID-19.

Apr 17, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

COVID-19 Impacts First-Generation Students

Changes to everyday life as a result of the virus have impacted students everywhere, but for first-generation students, many face added obstacles.

Apr 16, 2020

Make Sure Your Virtual Learning is Accessible

Accommodations for persons with disabilities using teleconferencing tools may take different forms from in-person learning.

Apr 16, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Reporting Sexual Harassment and Interpersonal Violence During COVID-19

We are available to help students and employees experiencing sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, relationship/interpersonal violence or related concerns.

Apr 3, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

NC State Fosters Community Spirit Online

Campus life and activities that NC State’s students, faculty and staff enjoyed have been put on hold.

Apr 3, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Tracing the History of Take Back the Night at NC State

Every April, the Women’s Center and its partners observe Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), part of a national effort to bring attention to the issue of sexual violence.

Apr 3, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

“Chinese” Virus is a Racist Take — Here’s Why

The “Chinese" virus remark by Donald Trump in a press conference in March brewed increasing amounts of racism and hate crime in America.