OIED Staff

Jun 5, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Collegial Conversations Assist in Navigating Pandemic

Amid the pandemic, the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity continues to offer education and training to promote diversity and build cultural competency.

Jun 4, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Resources to Improve Our Racial Climate

See our resources and avenues for education about how to process difficult events, how to help stop racial injustice or how to enact inclusive practices within their organizations.

Jun 1, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Campus Community Centers: Response to Racial Violence

Over the next few weeks, the Campus Community Centers will offer resources and opportunities dedicated to community, self-care and ongoing learning. We encourage you to stay connected to our social media pages and newsletters. As always, if you need us, we are here.

May 30, 2020  |  Vice Provost

Statement Regarding the Events in Minneapolis

We call the names of those who have been victims of racism, violence and unjust treatment in this country — a list that is far, far too long — so that we actively reinforce the inherent value of the human lives that these names represent.

May 5, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Year-End Reflections: On Resilience and Hope

I write at the close of the academic year to send both congratulations and words of continued encouragement to all of you. The resilience and can-do spirit shown by our faculty, staff, and not least of all, our students has been a source of inspiration for me.

May 1, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

APIDA Heritage Month Succeeds Despite Pandemic

Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Heritage Month, nationally recognized in May, celebrates the collective accomplishments, stories and experiences of those from Asian, Pacific Islander and Desi heritage.

May 1, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Chancellor’s Creating Community Awards Go Virtual

The annual Chancellor's Creating Community Awards honor outstanding faculty, staff, colleges, students and student organizations that have made exceptional efforts and contributions in the areas of equity, diversity and inclusion.

May 1, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

NC State Pioneer Rhonda Sutton: Serving, Advocating, Leading

Rhonda Sutton was an early leader of the Women’s Center who contributed to the center’s current strengths in advocacy, programming and support for survivors.

May 1, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Graduate Students Help Advance Equity Work

John Pierre Craig and Miyah Wilson reflect on their graduate student experience working in the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity.

May 1, 2020  |  Diversity Digest

Global Diversity Advocates Promote Studying Abroad

The Global Diversity Advocates are a small cohort of students who have studied abroad and now guide their peers who are interested in studying abroad.