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We Are Here to Help If You Need Us

Person speaking with a staff member

The Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity (OIED) is known for its educational and cultural programs, which include a wide array of workshops, trainings, symposia and a wealth of other learning experiences. But we also have several units that respond to urgent needs of our campus community members. We’d like to take a moment to share important information on how any member of the campus community can get help for different types of incidents.

Please note that if you are in crisis or have witnessed a crime, you should call 911. For non-emergency situations, call NC State Police at 919.515.3000.

OIED offers the following reporting options:

Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation

Should you experience or witness discrimination, harassment or retaliation, you have the option to file a report with NC State University and/or NC State Police.

Filing a report helps to inform the university of concerning behavior and conduct impacting our community and permits outreach to those directly affected to promote their safety and well-being.

Bias Incidents

Should you be impacted by an incident of bias, you have the option to file a report with the Bias Impact Response Team (BIRT). A bias incident is “any consciously, unconsciously, explicitly or implicitly expressed act that targets individuals or groups based on perceived or actual identity.”

BIRT serves the campus community by offering a system and processes that invite students, faculty and staff to document and proactively address the impacts of bias-related incidents, behaviors, and actions, support affected individuals and groups and promote education and dialogue.

Interpersonal Violence/Sexual Assault

Should you experience or witness interpersonal violence, including relationship violence, sexual assault, stalking or other form of interpersonal violence, you can get help from the Women’s Center, understand options and navigate healing and recovery. The center has trained advocates available to offer crisis intervention, emotional support, resources and referrals.

The Women’s Center serves all NC State students and we welcome students of all gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations.

Students can contact the 24/7 Sexual Assault Helpline at 919.515.4444 or email to connect with an advocate for remote support via phone, Zoom or Google Hangout.

These are just a few of the services we offer. Please browse our website for all of our programs and services.

In addition, NC State provides ongoing support resources; for students, Prevention Services provides drop-in support hours for a variety of topics and individuals. See Drop-In Spaces for more information.