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Diversity Training Demonstrates NC State’s Commitment to Climate

Smiling student in computer lab lookiing at website

The Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity has now launched all of its diversity training modules for students, faculty and staff. All members of the campus community can now access their diversity training modules in the REPORTER System, NC State’s training management platform.

Temporarily delayed due to Executive Order 13950, issued on Sep. 22, 2020 and rescinded on Jan. 20, 2021, the training is now back on track.

In a memo from June 4, 2020, Chancellor Randy Woodson and his Cabinet pledged to require every faculty and staff member to complete diversity and inclusion learning modules as a step toward ensuring that our campus community achieves a uniformly high level of knowledge about how to create and maintain an inclusive climate. While we know that training does not guarantee that our community will be perfect, as no community is, research has shown that training improves knowledge overall and helps communities move toward making acceptance and inclusion its norms. At NC State, we aim to embody our commitment to this goal by dedicating time for every community member to take this training every three years.

Diversity training is just one important step that NC State is taking to help ensure that we create the most welcoming and inclusive climate possible for anyone who comes in contact with our campus community.

We encourage you to learn about other current diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives by visiting NC State’s diversity portal for  current university-wide initiatives, contacts for each college and division, messages and news; and the  Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity’s website. As the main diversity, equity and inclusion office on campus, we partner with the colleges and other offices on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, including training, compliance and a wide range of student programs and activities.


If you have questions about the training, contact Thank you for doing your part to advance NC State in inclusiveness campus-wide.

Update: As of March 2021, students are strongly encouraged but not required to take the training.