Diversity Training Now Available for Both Faculty and Staff
Last fall, NC State launched diversity and cultural competence training for faculty as part of the Increasing Cultural Competence Initiative, which aims to provide a common framework and resources to assist faculty in providing not only a stellar educational experience for their students but also one of inclusivity and understanding.
We now invite all NC State staff members to take the training.
Online Training
The DiversityEdu online training module is open to all NC State staff members at no cost.
Additional Opportunity
For those who seek additional training, the CQ Cultural Intelligence Assessment session is an introduction to the cultural intelligence model using the CQ instrument with an emphasis on communication across cultures as it relates to participants’ roles within NC State. This three-hour session has a $100 cost per participant and is now also open to both faculty and staff.
Why Should You Take these Trainings?
Cultural competence benefits the university, individuals, groups, communities and societies by increasing the capacity for meaningful interpersonal interaction and cross-cultural understanding within the context of an increasingly globalized society fraught with both domestic and international tension and conflict.
Culturally competent students, scholars, employees, supervisors, public servants and politicians possess the skill to help create more inclusive and welcoming living, learning and working environments and to question and challenge attitudes, actions, policies and laws that are discriminatory or exclusive.
The value of a commitment to increasing and reflecting cultural competence is that it enables you to better understand yourself in relation to others, to better consider the perspectives of others, and to work and interact with others in a way that creates a context for deeper understanding, mutual respect and diverse perspectives that can lead to innovation and more effective problem solving.
We encourage you to take this training and do your part to help make NC State an ideal working and learning environment for everyone.