Designate for Diversity on Day of Giving

NC State’s second annual Day of Giving will happen on Mar. 25, 2020. Are you ready?
Day of Giving, launched in 2019, surprised many Wolfpack community members by bringing in over $13M for the university in its first one-day online fundraising campaign.
Pitting the university’s colleges, office and organizations against each other in a friendly competition aimed toward the common goal of strengthening NC State’s ability to do what it does best, the day exceeded many peoples’ expectations.
Organizers modeled the campaign on peer institutions’ similar efforts, targeting totals far less than the actual result, which speaks to the fervor, prosperity and generosity of Wolfpack supporters.
How to Support Diversity and Inclusion
Offices and organizations not housed within one of NC State’s twelve colleges and divisions provide extra opportunities to give. We encourage your gifts to all of the university groups with which you have ties.
But don’t forget to Designate for Diversity along with your other chosen recipients. Consider giving a percentage of your donation to support diversity and inclusion on Day of Giving. Alum of the College of Engineering? Former AYA ambassador in the African American Cultural Center? Former peer educator with The Movement? Consider allocating some of your funds for a gift to each.
Choose from the following new giving options on this year’s Day of Giving:
- Diversity and Equity Fund — Help the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity create an inclusive, accessible and diverse intellectual and cultural campus experience at NC State.
- African American Cultural Center Enrichment Fund — Giving to the AACC Enrichment Fund contributes to programming that empowers and encourages individual and collective agency through Black scholarship, culturally relevant leadership development and identity affirmation.
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Center Fund — In giving to the GLBT Center, you will help us bring in renowned speakers, provide students with opportunities to participate in local and national conferences and fund alumni gatherings.
- Multicultural Student Affairs Enhancement Fund — Funds donated to the MSA Enhancement Fund will benefit students of color via programming, conferencing, professional and personal development.
- Dr. Frances Graham Womxn of Color Leadership Fund — Created in honor of Dr. Frances Graham, former director of the Women’s Center, the Dr. Frances Graham Womxn of Color Leadership Fund provides opportunities for womxn of color to enhance their leadership skills, build an intentional community of support on campus and participate in the annual Womxn of Color Retreat.
- Survivor Fund — The Survivor Fund provides for immediate and unforeseen needs that arise as a direct result of a student experiencing interpersonal violence. Funds can be used for medical care, counseling/therapy, legal assistance, loss of employment, transportation or relocation expenses. Your donation can make a huge impact on a survivor’s healing and recovery.