Stories From 2019
Sights and Sounds of APIDA Heritage Month
NC State students kicked off APIDA Heritage Month in Talley Student Union on March 18, 2019, recognizing heritages across the full spectrum of Asian, Pacific Islander and Desi-American identities.
Reflections of “The Politicization and Sexualization of Black Bodies”
Ezinne Ofoegbu reflects on “The Politicization and Sexualization of Black Bodies” exhibit, hosted by the Women’s Center and the African American Cultural Center.
Passionate About Social Justice: Week of Action
The goal of Week of Action is to help students, faculty, and staff find a social justice issue they are passionate about, explore ways to address the challenges of that issue and then discover ways that the issue intersects with other social justice issues.
Sustainability is for Everyone Workshop on March 28; Apply to be a Sustainability Steward
Join the NC State Stewards on Thursday March 28, 2019 from 8:00-9:00 p.m., in Talley Student Union, Room 3222 for their upcoming workshop, “Sustainability is for Everyone!” This interactive workshop aims to inform students about the importance of racial and […]
Staff Senate to Host Non-Traditional Parent Chat on April 11
The Staff Senate Diversity Committee will host NC State employees who identify as non-traditional parents (foster, adoptive, single, grandparents raising grandchildren, LGBT parents, parents with special needs and others). Join us on Thursday, April 11, 2019 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in […]
“Art United” Workshop to Be Taught by Poet Kaveh Akbar on April 1
Register now for Art United, a poetry workshop for members of the NC State community. Art United will focus on communicating about the unconscious through poetry. Participants will work on individual and collaborative poems with acclaimed poet and editor Kaveh Akbar (author of Calling a […]
Take the Asia Strategy Task Force Survey
An NC State task force formed by the Office of Global Engagement needs your help in reimagining how we might best engage throughout Asia. Share your thoughts and ideas about what we could or should do in East Asia or […]
TODAY at Duke University: Antisemitism Here and Now with Deborah Lipstadt
Deborah E. Lipstadt, Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory University, will deliver a free public lecture on the rise of antisemitism in the United States and Europe at Duke University March 25, 2019. Her talk, […]
Creating Accomplices: Supporting Queer and Transgender Students of Color Workshop on March 28
Queer and transgender students of color face barriers and obstacles that are often left out of the narrative of GLBT lived experiences. Join the GLBT Center as we unpack the systemic oppression that impacts and complicates the experiences of folks […]
TODAY: GLBT Faculty and Staff Network Luncheon
Join the GLBT Faculty and Staff Network at our next luncheon today from noon to 1:00 p.m. in Witherspoon Student Center, Room 356. The GLBT Center coordinates the GLBT Faculty and Staff Network to provide an opportunity for GLBT faculty […]