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Annual NC State Sisterhood Dinner Now Registering

Sisterhood DinnerRegistration for this year’s Sisterhood Dinner is now open. With a theme of “Leading Change; Inspiring Action,” the dinner will be held on February 25, 2019 in the Talley Student Union Ballroom, with a reception beginning at 5:15 p.m. and the dinner at 6:00 p.m.

Table registration is first come, first served. Registration will be open through February 11, 2019 unless tables sell out prior to that date.

Equity for Women Awards

The NC State Council on the Status of Women invites you to nominate NC State faculty, staff and students for an Equity for Women Award.

The annual awards recognize faculty, staff and students for their outstanding leadership in establishing equity for women at NC State University. Nominations can come from all members of the campus community, including faculty, staff, students, alumni and partners. This year, we will be giving up to four awards.

Not sure whom to recommend? Consider faculty, staff and students of any gender who are passionate, ambitious, inspired, courageous and strong leaders with a commitment to advocacy of gender equity in everyday life at NC State. Nominees should demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas over the past 12 months:

  • Leadership: Taking action to promote gender equity on and beyond campus through leadership roles;

  • Service: Supporting equity for women through job-related or voluntary roles;

  • Scholarship: Contributing new knowledge and informing policy and practice related to women’s well-being and equality.

Criteria for rating these areas will be based on commitment to leadership, service and/or scholarship as well as the impact of the nominee’s efforts. Successful nominations will address the following questions in 500 words or less each:

  • Describe your nominee’s activities with regard to leadership, service and/or scholarship.
  • Describe the impact of your nominee’s activities on advancing women’s equity issues on the NC State Community and beyond.

Visit the past Equity for Women Awardees posted on the Council on the Status of Women website for examples of ideal candidates.

Nominations will close on Monday, January 28, 2019 at noon. Award winners will be announced at the 2019 Sisterhood Dinner on February 25, 2019.

Please note: Current members of the Council on the Status of Women are not eligible for the award and should not be nominated. Please check the current roster if you aren’t sure who is on the council.

Thank you for supporting the NC State community in the advancement of women’s equity. If you have questions, please contact Lisa LaBarbera-Mascote at 515-2012 or via email at