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“High Cotton” Art Gallery Exhibit on Display through October 3

Artist freedom clay celebrates the multi-dimensional facets and plight of Black people in America by celebrating and affirming their beauty and humanity. Largely achieved through his creation of paintings in response to personal, social and political events, these contexts inform how individuals are perceived and treated in broader society.

Vivid colors and freedom clay’s ability to capture and provoke emotion within his faceless paintings have become unique characteristics of his aesthetic. As a proud, humble and evolving He-ARTist from the south, his earnest hope is that his work continues to foster happiness as individuals see themselves or others in his creations, and inspire life-affirming and critical conversations as he addresses, responds or reacts to disparate sociopolitical issues involving race, class, gender, stigma and sexuality.

  • See the exhibit through October 3, 2018 in the African American Cultural Center Art Gallery on the second floor of Witherspoon Student Center.