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OIED Announces Diversity Mini-Grant Program Recipients for 2017-18

BUILD Academy

The Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2017-2018 Diversity Mini-Grant Program.

OIED solicits program proposals annually from faculty and staff through the Diversity Mini-Grant Program. Now in its fifteenth year, the initiative emphasizes the importance of university-wide efforts and endorsement of NC State as a place to learn, work and grow. Projects this year include initiatives focusing on pre-college outreach, undergraduate recruitment, graduate recruitment, student retention in STEM, inclusive practices in academia and campus climate.

NC State is committed to creating and improving efforts to make our campus a diverse and inclusive community. To support these efforts, the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity has awarded eleven Diversity Mini-Grants to faculty and staff for projects related to diversity, inclusion or research that furthers the academic mission of the university.

Awardees for 2017-18

Open House: Increasing Diversity in the Materials Science and Engineering Ph.D. Program
Principal investigator(s): Ashleigh Wright and Elizabeth Dickey

Food and Housing Security: Launching a Campus-wide Initiative
Principal investigator(s): Mary E Haskett

Students Enhancing FACES: Fostering Advocacy, Communication, Empowerment, and Supports for African American Families of Children with Autism
Principal investigator(s): Jamie Pearson

Future Ingenieros at NC State
Principal investigator(s): Fernando Garcia Menendez and Adriana San Miguel Delgadillo

Learning, Exploring, and Achieving in the Profession of STEM
Principal investigator(s): Rebecca Woskoff and Bradford Hill

Art United
Principal investigator(s): Belle Boggs, Marian Fragola and Shervon Cassim

Brothers United in Leadership Development (B.U.I.L.D.) Summit
Principal investigator(s): Dr. Regina Gavin Williams

HOLA BUG: Motivating Hispanic high school students to pursue higher education using insect outreach
Principal investigator(s): Alejandro Del Pozo-Valdivia and Melina Florez-Cuadros

ISE Diversity Frontier
Principal investigator(s): Kanton Reynolds

Diversify Your Booklist: Developing Inclusive Citation Practices at NCSU
Principal investigator(s): Helen J Burgess and Krystin Gollihue

Building Capacity: Muslim and Arabic-Speaking Counselors in the Triangle
Principal investigator(s): Adria Dunbar

Proposals may request a maximum of $3,000 to build a new initiative or enhance a current initiative. Previously funded proposals may reapply; however, a project or initiative can be funded for a maximum of two years. The Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity awarded $27,193 this year. An eight-person panel of faculty, staff and students reviewed the proposals and made the funding recommendations. This year’s process included 28 proposal submissions.