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Cisco’s Connected Asian Affinity Network to Launch NC State Mentorship Program

Cisco CAAN RTP will be launching a 2017-2018 Mentorship Program at NC State University. Through this program, students will be paired up with a Cisco mentor based on their interests and career pathway. Throughout this academic year, students will receive invaluable insights and advice from their mentors to get a better understanding of the corporate world and strengthen their professional skills through series of career development workshops. This program allows mentees to create everlasting memories with mentors and other Cisco employees through networking opportunities and relationship-building activities. Mentorship events include resume workshops, mock interview practice, mentorship dinners and fun teambuilding activities.


  • You do NOT have to identify as an AAPI student to be considered for this program.
  • You must be a full-time student at NC State University (freshman, sophomore or junior standing)
  • You MUST be an active member of an organization under NC State Asian Students In Alliance (ex: ASA, KCC, KPL, etc.)

Apply online by October 16, 2017. Contact Joann Ma ( or Sophia Lin ( with questions.