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New NC State Resource: "Speaking and Writing About Diversity"

Diversity dictionary

The Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity (OIED) now provides a resource on its website for communicating about diversity. Intended for the campus community, the resource includes both NC State and general diversity terms and definitions as well as “do’s and don’ts” and “language to avoid.”

Local and national demographics are changing at a rapid pace, and so too are the terms and definitions used to describe them. Consult Speaking and Writing About Diversity on the OIED website to learn the currently accepted terminology.

For example, do you know the difference between Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX? These are federal laws that pertain to different types of discrimination. What about the difference between gender identity and gender expression? What is “ableist language”? Should you capitalize the word “black” when referring to people?

Also included are several linked articles that provide further depth on some of the listed topics, which were compiled and edited by GLBT Center Director Renee Wells. Wells also teaches several workshops on topics such as racial justice and microaggressions that are free and open to the campus community. (See the GLBT Center’s website for more information about these and other workshops. See the OIED Outreach and Education website for information about additional diversity and equity workshops.)

If you have a question about a diversity term that is not yet included in this reference, please contact OIED Communications to have it added to the list. We will research and update the list as new terms become available.