Virtual MLK Project: 55th Anniversary of the “Fill Up the Jails” Speech
Please note that this event has been rescheduled to Monday, February 23, 2015, Hunt Library Teaching and Visualization Lab, 7:00 p.m.
You are cordially invited to the 55th Anniversary of the “Fill Up the Jails” Speech. This event features a demonstration of vMLK website’s audio files and images created from the June 8, 2014 reenactment of the speech in Durham’s White Rock Baptist Church. The research team, including sound director and videographer, will be on hand to discuss the project. Just days after the start of the Greensboro sit-ins in February 1960, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered what would become a widely influential speech titled, “A Creative Protest.” The speech, commonly known as the “Fill Up the Jails” speech, was delivered on February 16, 1960 in Durham, NC. On June 8, 2014 NC State worked with the Durham community, the White Rock Congregation and voice actor Marvin Blanks (noted as the “Orator of the Century”) to re-create the speech. Please RSVP at See the full Diversity Digest for this article and more.
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