There has been much encouraging and engaging dialogue recently around sexual assault on college campuses. The
NC State Women’s Center has a long history of advocacy and education efforts and is committed to help build a campus culture intolerant of interpersonal violence, rape, and sexual assault. Did you know that the NC State Women’s Center has almost 400 volunteers, 10 paid peer educators, and a robust training program aimed at helping get out the word about interpersonal violence-related education and resources on our campus? We invite you to learn more about our advocacy resources including confidential crisis intervention, emotional support, and referrals to students affected by sexual assault, dating/domestic violence and stalking. We provide information about academic, legal, medical, emotional, and student conduct resources. We also offer support to secondary survivors, such as intimate partners, friends, family.

In addition to advocacy, the NC State Women’s Center sponsors and co-sponsors a number of public education campaigns. While we serve as a resource, we need EVERYONE to connect with our faculty, staff, and students. We hope you will join us in an often-difficult but much needed discussion about how to create a campus culture where all feel safe from interpersonal violence and survivors get the help they need.
In 2015, consider joining us by:
a) Hosting a
Silent Witness of domestic violence in your office space.
b) Participating with us for the January
Red Flag Campaign (contact
Otis McGresham to sign up).
c) Joining us for a Stalking Awareness Month Workshop including:
Jan. 20: Healthy Relationships 101
Jan. 21: Sexual Violence 101
Jan. 22: Bystander Behavior
Jan. 26: Healthy Relationships 101
Jan. 27: Sexual Violence 101
Jan. 28: Bystander Behaviors
* Workshops will start at
6:00 p.m. in Poe Hall, Room 218.
d) Joining us for Survivor Support Space training. Survivor Support Space is a program that will provide members of the Wolfpack community the knowledge and skills needed to appropriately respond to a survivor of interpersonal violence. Monthly trainings available. Contact
Otis McGresham to sign up.
e) Reviewing our Interpersonal violence-related classroom and co-curricular offerings though our
Don't Cancel that Class program.
f) Planning to join us
April 9, 2015 at
7:00 p.m. on the Stafford Lawn for 28th Annual
Take Back the Night.
g) Wearing blue jeans on
April 29, 2015 for National Denim Day, a worldwide event promoting awareness of sexual assault and victim blaming. Contact any Women’s Center staff to receive a Denim Day button that says “Ask me why I’m wearing denim today," and a poster to display in your unit explaining Denim Day.
h) Reading
The Fall: An Autobiography of an Alter Ego. The NC State Women’s Center will be hosting the author this spring as a part of her campus book tour. Details forthcoming.
i) Volunteering at the Women’s Center! We always need help on interpersonal violence and other gender equity efforts.
Please join us!