Campus Climate Survey Surpassing Previous Effort So Far
Supporters of diversity, equity and inclusion and data enthusiasts alike are pleased with the number of surveys completed in NC State’s 2019 Campus Climate Survey so far, but they aren’t ready to rest just yet.
Even though the yield to date is already higher than that of NC State’s 2015 climate survey, administrators hope for an even better final week before the survey closes on October 21, 2019.
All students, including both undergraduates and graduates, received a survey invitation via email on September 25. As of October 9, well over three thousand students had completed they survey. Students will continue to get reminders about the survey next week.
Nancy Whelchel, NC State’s director for survey research in the Office for Institutional Research and Planning, also noted that over 1,800 surveys are still “in progress,” meaning students have started but not completed the survey, some of which are close to completion. The yield will be much more favorable if students return to finish and submit these responses.
Gift Cards as Incentives
Twenty-five students who have completed the survey have already been randomly selected as $25 gift card winners, with another round to be chosen at random to receive a $75 gift card after the survey closes.
Support from Student Leaders
Student leaders support the survey as a critical tool for improving campus climate.
Emma Carter, student body president, says, “I believe this survey is important to NC State because it shows how we are getting student feedback for how they feel on campus. These results are crucial to our partnerships going forward and show that the university is truly dedicated to working on diversity and inclusion on our campus. I want to encourage students to take the survey so that we can get as much feedback as possible. We want to utilize this to create a plan going forward and further discuss the idea of our Cultural Competency in-person program!”
James Withrow, Graduate Student Association president, says, “Graduate Student participation in the Campus Climate Survey is especially critical because we experience a unique combination of structural and cultural challenges that, in extreme cases, can facilitate damaging behavior. Graduate students are also typically more isolated in our labs and programs, which serves as an additional barrier to even knowing what channels and services exist to support us in these situations. Completing the survey will help provide the university with the information necessary to assess the NC State campus climate and campus services so that we may work to improve both going forward. As president of the Graduate Student Association, I encourage all graduate students to take part in this opportunity to help make NC State a better and more welcoming place for all of us.”
More Information
If you are an undergraduate or graduate student, check your email and complete the survey by the indicated deadline. If you are a faculty member or staff member, encourage your students to complete the survey by October 21, 2019. See also the following previous articles:
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