Call for Nominations: Chancellor’s Creating Community Awards

The Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity will virtually host the annual Recognizing Excellence in Diversity (RED) Event, presenting the Chancellor’s Creating Community Awards in six categories on Wednesday, April 20, 2022. The awards recognize outstanding faculty, staff, colleges, students and student organizations that have made exceptional efforts and contributions in the areas of equity, diversity and inclusion during the course of the academic year.
The NC State award recipients receive university-wide recognition, a recipient plaque and a monetary award up to $500.
The award categories are listed below:
Outstanding Faculty
The Chancellor’s Creating Community Award for Outstanding Faculty recognizes individuals who demonstrate excellence in the incorporation of diversity, equity and inclusion in teaching, research, service and collaboration.
Outstanding Staff
The Chancellor’s Creating Community Award for Outstanding Staff recognizes individuals who demonstrate excellence in the incorporation of diversity, equity and inclusion beyond their administrative role.
Outstanding Student
The Chancellor’s Creating Community Award for Outstanding Student recognizes a student who has incorporated diversity, equity and inclusion efforts beyond their classroom coursework.
Outstanding Student Organization
The Chancellor’s Creating Community Award for Outstanding Student recognizes a student organization that has incorporated diversity, equity and inclusion efforts to achieve their organization’s goals.
Outstanding College, Organization or Unit
The Chancellor’s Creating Community Awards also recognize a college, organization or unit that demonstrates a consistent pattern of commitment to the recruitment, retention and promotion of individuals of underrepresented populations.
Alumni Legacy Award
The Alumni Legacy Award recognizes alumni who have demonstrated a deep and abiding commitment to social justice, diversity, equity and inclusion and who exemplify NC State’s values of community, diversity, respect and social responsibility in their broader community and/or daily deportment.
Please note that OIED staff are not eligible to be nominated for a Chancellor’s Creating Community Award.
Please nominate a colleague, friend, student organization or on-campus unit via the nomination form. Applications are due March 7, 2021.
We look forward to reading your nominations.
If you have questions, contact OIED’s Inclusive Excellence and Strategic Practice unit at