NC State’s Diversity Portal Expands with New Initiatives

Location, location, location. So goes the old mantra about how much the value of a property depends on where it is located.
NC State values diversity, equity and inclusion, and one way it demonstrates this commitment is through its high-level placement of diversity updates on the university’s main website,
On NC State’s website, you can find university-wide diversity updates from the main menu at, including news, campus diversity connections and links to programs and services.
Beginning this summer, the portal (often called the “diversity landing page”) expanded to include information about numerous major initiatives currently happening on campus, including:
- a commitment from university leaders to strengthen NC State’s racial climate;
- the university’s response to a recent petition issued by the Coalition of Black Student Organizations at NC State;
- the NC State Police Department’s response to a student petition asking for changed to policing policies;
- NC State’s recent designation as one of three charter members of the SEA Change initiative, an effort to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine;
- information about the annual Chancellor’s Creating Community Awards, which honor faculty, staff, colleges, students and organizations that have made exceptional contributions in the areas of equity, diversity and inclusion;
- educational opportunities in diversity and cultural competence for the campus community:
- details about the new required diversity training for faculty, staff and students;
- updates about the UNC System Racial Equity Task Force, including its current system-wide survey on racial equity across the system;
- updates on NC State’s long-term strategic planning work, specifically the “Advancing Inclusion and Well-Being to Enhance Excellence” task force, one of nine strategic focus areas;
- A view of the Extraordinary Opportunity Scholarship Initiative, featuring stories about how this scholarship has made the dream of an NC State education possible for first-generation students from low- and middle-income families.
The diversity portal will continue to provide updates about these and other important inclusion initiatives as they develop.